June 12, 2009


Filed under: — @ 12:38 am

The state of Michigan in the American Midwest is blessed with both big cities and amazing wilderness, making it a place with not only a variety of things to see and do but also a variety of personalities who call it home. Because of this variety, it is an excellent vacation destination for groups who may otherwise have trouble deciding on one place to go – city lovers and nature lovers can both get what they want in this state. And budget travelers get what they want, too, as there are plenty of cheap hotels in Michigan to choose from.

As you might expect, the bigger cities are going to have more selection when it comes to cheap hotels in Michigan – so places like Detroit or Grand Rapids, for instance, will have much longer lists of hotels than some smaller towns in more rural parts of the state. It is also important to note that in those bigger cities, the closer a hotel is to the major tourist attractions, the more expensive it tends to be. So if you are realy seeking out the budget hotels you will likely have to expand the area you are looking at beyond the city center.

You will find a list of the places in Michigan for which we have lists of cheap hotels. You can click on any one of those links and get more information about the budget accommodation options in that area, but even if you do not see the place you will be visiting listed below that is not a problem. In that case, you can enter your travel information into the search box above and get listings for cheap hotels in Michigan for any city in the state.

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