June 12, 2009


Filed under: — admin @ 12:38 am

Although Scotland is technically part of the United Kingdom, it very much has its own personality and is worth a separate visit. It boasts cities that are both historic and modern at the same time, and a rugged rural landscape that is stark in its windswept beauty. If all you have time to visit is the capital city of Edinburgh, do it – but if you get a chance, the rest of Scotland deserves your attention as well. And we can help you find cheap hotels in Scotland for your trip.

While Scotland may have its own distinct identity, it benefits from being part of the United Kingdom in one very important way – it is on the strong British pound. Because the pound is so strong, and has been for years, finding a cheap hotel in Scotland could seem impossible. But there are budget hotels out there, you just have to know where to look. If you click on the links below, you will get more detailed information about the destinations listed there – what neighborhoods are more likely to have budget hotels, and even some hotel recommendations to check out. And if your destination is not listed below, do not worry about that – just type your travel information into the search box at the top of this page, for any city in Scotland, we the computer will help you find a selection of budget hotels to choose from.

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